MK sports Foods Australia
26 Coominya Connection Rd, Coominya QLD 4311
Reception: 07 5426 5757          Customer Service: 1300 193 323

Frequently Asked Questions

Product Information

I have questions about a product before I purchase, what to do?

All product information is listed on the product pages of our website. If you still require assistance about a product please contact us via our Contact Support Form or Call 1300 193 323.

Where does your beef come from?

All our products are processed using export quality Australian beef.

Do your products contain allergens?

Some products may contain an allergenic ingredient. Check the website product pages for the listed ingredients prior to purchasing.

My product has an issue, what to do?

If your experiencing an issue with a product, contact our Customer Support Team via the Contact Support Form or Call 1300 193 323.

Order Information

Can I order by phone?

Of course. Our customer support team will help you on your order placement. Call Customer Service on 1300 193 323.

How to use discount codes?

Place your discount code into the applied discount field at checkout, this will display the price reduction amount before processing your order payment.

What payment options can I use ?

Our online store uses the following payment options; Credit Card, ApplyPay, GooglePay and ShopyPay at checkout.

How can I change my payment method for an order?

You can change to any payment method before payment processing of your order. However once the order has been paid it cannot be altered.

How is shipping fees calculated?

Shipping fees are calculated by distance from our Coominya Plant.

What are your business hours for pickup?

We are open on the below times:

Mon - Fri    8am - 4pm

Didn't find the answers to your questions?

Contact us to get the advice or answers from our customer support team.


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